Every job comes pre-loaded with its own stress levels. The tech sector just probably had us locked down unaware, I mean who would have thought sitting down, working on the computer would become so problematic. First it was our eyes, glasses and some advanced eye drops helped mitigate that. Then our wrists. But now, and right now it's literally our butts.. Even though the chairs are more comfy than ever, we just realized sitting down for long hours doesn't just give you an aching butt and stiff legs, but it's detrimental to your heart.. And the gym memberships, they just pray you don't show up, so they can keep getting that check!
Unlike many writers online offering makeshift medical advices on "managing stress", I have found it rather useful through personal experimentation to spend more time understanding your body. This is a far cry from the boring high school biology curriculum or the pre-med classes, I hope to explain the effect of stress on the body in very plain, understandable terms, and if one of the terms comes too technical, hey! Add to your list of vocabularies, dazzle people with it during dinner parties!
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be writing on not just the effects of stress on the body, but also about its effect on reproduction, memory, hormones, aging etc. I'll be using the ultimate guide to understanding stress - "Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky" and other medical books. I've always felt an attraction to biology and medicine in general, maybe that's because my parents are Medical Practitioners, or maybe because I just want to understand how my body works.
If there is one reason why you should understand how your body works is so that you can take good care of it, not just for showing off, but for your family who you might have to depend on when you are old. No one wants an always illing parent or relative - it's a bitter truth, but it's truth regardless.
Remember to-sync with nature is to be at peace with yourself!